
November 5th 

Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

1 Timothy 6:6-7 (NKJV)

Virtues are, like friends, necessary in all fortunes; but the best are friends in our sadnesses, and support us in our sorrows and sad accidents: and in this sense, no man that is virtuous can be friendless; since God hath appointed one remedy for all the evils in the world, and that is a contented spirit: for this alone makes a man pass through fire, and not be scorched; through seas, and not be drowned; through hunger and nakedness, and want nothing.

For no man is poor that does not think himself so: but if, in a full fortune, with impatience he desires more, he proclaims his wants and his beggarly condition.  For if that which we are or have do not content us, we may be troubled for everything in the world which is besides our being or our possessions.

God is the master of the scenes; we must not choose which part we shall act; it concerns us only to be careful that we do it well, always saying, ‘If this please God, let it be as it is…’  If we choose, we do it so foolishly that we cannot like it long, and most commonly not at all: but God, who can do what he pleases, is wise to choose safely for us, affectionate to comply with our needs, and powerful to execute all his wise decrees.

Here, therefore, is the wisdom of the contented man, to let God choose for him; for when we have given up our wills to him, and stand in that station of the battle where our great general hath placed us, our spirits must needs rest while our conditions have for their security the power, the wisdom, and the charity of God.

from Jeremy Taylor’s Holy Living (Ch. 2, sect. 6)

I know I was just complaining about Taylor, but then it turned out this was the perfect follow-up to yesterday’s post, so I guess I get what I deserve. Though there was the wonderfully quaint “He were a strange fool that should be angry because dogs and sheep need no shoes, and yet himself is full of care to get some” so it’s not all dull.

Anyway, happy Guy Fawkes Night to anyone who cares, and a friendly public service announcement not to be d***s to people who believe differently than you.  🔥 🔥 🔥

…and here’s Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture. With cannons.

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